AcquirerData |
Represents data related to an acquirer such as the acquirer id
Address |
CancelationResult |
CommAddressGateWay |
CommAddressPMS |
CommAddressSCConf |
ConfigurationResult |
CurrencyItem |
Ep2CtlessTrmCapPerKernel |
Ep2TerminalConfigData |
Ep2TerminalConfigData.Builder |
FinalBalanceResult |
GeneratePanTokenResponse |
GetConfigDataResponse |
GetPinpadInformationResponse |
InitialisationResult |
LineItem |
One product or fee in the list of items that makes up a transaction.
LineItem.Builder |
LineItem.ListBuilder |
Receipt |
ResultCode |
SubmissionResult |
Tax |
A tax that has been applied to a LineItem.
TerminalApplicationConfigData |
Transaction |
Transaction.Builder |
TransactionCompletion |
TransactionCompletion.Builder |
TransactionCompletionResponse |
TransactionResponse |
TransactionResponse.Builder |
TransactionVoid |
TransactionVoidResponse |
TransmissionResult |